Jokhang temple built during the reign of King SongstenGampo most likely in 642 was placed in UNESCO’s world heritage site in 2000AD as a part of Potala palace. Jokhang Temple located in the central Lhasa covers an area of 25,100 square metres and is the holy site for the Tibetan pilgrims. Originally this temple used to be called as Rasa TulnangTsuklakang which literally means House of Mysteries. Many Nepalese artist had worked here during its construction period.History says that this Temple was built by King for his two wives Princess Wencheng of Chinese Tang dynasty and Princess Bhrikuti of Lichhavi dynasty. It is said that the dowries the both princess had brought were placed here. Whether is true or not but it is said that the Temple brought Buddhism in Tibet which finally became the inseparable part of the Tibetan history. Respected Buddhist preacher Atisha taught here in 11 century and since then it is considered as most important Temple in Lhasa. Jokhang possess a very large and antique collection of metal sculptures and thousands of painted scrolls commonly known as Thankas .
The statues are hidden and public access to these is nearly impossible. These rare pieces of art made up of brass and copper are originally from Kashmir, Northern India, Nepal, Tibet and china. However, the most important statues of Jokhang are from Yarlung dynasty which exists from 7th to 9th century. The architectural design of Jokhang Temple is mixture of Indian Vihara design, Chinese Tang dynasty design and Nepalese design.